Saturday night, we went out for dinner. On the way home, RC was using her straw as a microphone.
"ABCDEFGHIKKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY and Z. I'm not done yet. Now I sing ABCs, x time sing with me. I'm DONE!
ABCDEFG. I'm not done yet. ABCDEFG. I'm not done yet. WX. I'm not done. Y and Z. I'm not done. x time sing with me. I'm DONE!"
It went on with various letters being strung together and various insertions of "I'm not done yet" in random places for most of the drive home.
At one point, I asked her if I could sing it. "No. I'm not done." She sang a few more times and then says, "Mommy sing with straw." The straw was passed forward and I sang into the straw. She laughed hysterically and shouted, "You did it" when I was finished. I gave the straw back and she kept right on singing for the rest of the drive.
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