Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 01, 2004


Well, I had been updating my pregnancy blog with Ryanne's milestones and early achievements. That blog, though, had been to keep my dad up-to-date and I just have a hard time finding the motivation to post to it anymore. Thus, I am starting with a clean slate. This is a new journal that's dedicated to recording her life, not her time in utero. She's an amazing little girl and I want to remember as many of these events as I can. Hopefully this will help.

I have little chance of remembering the dates for most of the firsts. I must confess that Chrys and I have mostly fudged the dates in her calendar. They're in the right week, but since all of the days kind of blur together, they may not be on the right day. Hopefully she can forgive us.

Let's start with the story of rolling over. It was my brother's spring break and he was "working" down at the office with us. He had decided to come in and play with Ryanne. All of a sudden he says, "She rolled over." I look up and sure enough, she's on her tummy instead of her back. I started quizzing him - not quite trusting this story. He assures me that he didn't help her at all, except to keep moving her music block away from her, so I flip her back over. I put the toy just out of reach and within a few moments she was back on her tummy playing with it again. It was the coolest thing to watch. It took her a few days to let Dada see her new trick, but eventually she caved. It only took a few weeks for her to master tummy to back in the same direction (to her left when on her back). I'd guess she had the other direction (her right) down about 6 weeks later.

Unfortunately, with this new trick came some new independence. No longer was she satisfied being strapped down in one place. She knew she could roll her way out of most things. This meant that she thought she could roll her way out of her car seat. It being a 3-point harness, infant seat, it didn't offer sufficient restraint for our roller. Once we found her strapped down by her knee (instead of her pelvis), we ordered her new 5-point harness seat. There were a few days of intense frustration at being that confined in the car. Eventually, though, Ryanne realized that she was now higher and could see more things outside that in her previous seat and the yelling and screaming in the car came to an end.