Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, November 13, 2008

No vegans here

Today we were in the car driving along. Ryanne announces that we need to go catch a rabbit. I looked, understandably, a bit confused.

"Why do we need to catch a rabbit?"
"So we can cut it up into small pieces and cook it and eat it."
"We need a big net so we can catch lots of rabbits to cut up and cook and eat."
"... Ryanne, do you know where beef comes from?" she wants to know why we don't have a cow so we can have more beef.

Monday, November 03, 2008

Five years

This one seems so momentous. She's 5. She's so independent.

She had her 5 year well check today. She's 43 inches tall and 41.6 pounds. She's just above 50% on both height and weight, but still tracking well. Definitely no risk of being overweight on that one. The doctor asked her a bunch of questions and she answered them all without issue.

They had a bit of miscommunication about the slides at the park, though. The doctor asked if they had a slide that swirled around. Ryanne said they had one that was a circle and one that was part of a circle. I think the doctor was talking about the top down appearance. Ryanne was discussing cross-section. I don't think the doctor got it.

While we were there, Ryanne started gnawing on her knee. The doctor didn't notice because we were talking about other things. I pointed it out. Chrys and I mentioned that she still bites and chews on just about everything. The doctor said she probably has some sensory issues. She'll prescribe occupational therapy as soon as I figure out which of her recommendations takes our insurance. Honestly, I've seen this coming for a long while. It's kind of nice to have the opportunity to work on it.

She did her first urine test. We got to answer lots of questions about what on earth they were going to do with her pee. Oy.

Four was more. She was more everything. I'm curious to see what five has in store for us. I can see we've still got some work to do on listening and human interactions so she's not going to hurt others. All in all, though, she's more sympathetic, more attentive, more aware of her surroundings.

Oh, and did I mention she could read? We're most of the way through the first BOB collection - short vowel sounds and consonants. She's into longer sentences without issue. Crazy.

She's still at the Y in their Mother's Day Out. She seems happy. They're working on doing more things, more complicated things, because they have some older kids this year. There haven't been any fights. I just don't think we can do summers there again. The academic year with continuity and curriculum is fine. The more open play of the summers is just hard on her. Lesson learned.