Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, November 20, 2009

Lost tooth

Ryanne has been playing with a loose tooth on the bottom for some time. Today, it finally fell out at school. She'd been hoping to lose it at school because she really wanted to go see the nurse and get a treasure chest to take it home.

In her own words:
"It was kind of weird when it fell out. She wrote me a note that I brought home from the nurse. (It was the pass to go back to class, time stamped 9:55.) I was moving it with my tongue and it suddenly fell out in my mouth. I was sitting up and getting ready to put my head down. When I got back to my classroom, everyone was going to the bathroom in my classroom. (I think they have toilets connected to the rooms.)"

The teacher was surprised that it just fell out. If only she knew how long this one has been barely hanging on.

It's her lower right front tooth. You can already see the adult tooth peeking through the gum. She really did hang on to the baby tooth for a long time. She got her pink treasure chest, though.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Out of the box

Ryanne participated in a language study at UT today. I got to watch part of it. They had a series of cards and Ryanne was supposed to describe the picture on the card. Most of them were pretty simple.

Researcher: The boy is standing on the bridge. What's he going to do?
Ryanne: Jump.
Researcher: Can you tell me the whole thing? He's...
RC: He's going to jump off the bridge.
Researcher: Let's see what he did. (Next card)
Ryanne: He jumped.

There was one that really got me.
Researcher: This is one glass. These are two...
Ryanne: I can't tell what's in them.
Reasearcher: It doesn't matter what's in them. This is one glass. These are two...
Ryanne: Glass... cups that are... unfilled.
Researcher: This is one glass. These are two...
Ryanne: Glasses?

Yeah...she doesn't like your box. Where are my papers to sign her up for TAG (Talented and Gifted) testing?

Saturday, November 14, 2009

She knows us well...

I got our tickets to Walking with the Dinosaurs today.

Ryanne asks what they are. I point to the name of the show. She counts 4 tickets.

"Can Dani and Jori come with us?"
I asked how many people we had in our family.
She said, "Can Dani come with us?"
I asked, "What about daddy?"
"He doesn't like dinosaurs."

Thursday, November 05, 2009

On turning 6...

Ryanne turned 6 one week ago. It's amazing to me that she's 1/3 of the way through her 'childhood' with us. It seems like it's been a long time and only a blink of an eye at the same time. She has changed and grown so much.

She had her well-check on 11/1. She's 45.25" tall and 45.1 pounds, still 50% across both. Her blood pressure was fine (98/52). The doctor saw no cause for concern and remarked at her reading skills in the office.

She's still dramatic. Everything gets a HUGE reaction. She's blossomed into a caring being. She's becoming more empathetic. She's showing huge leaps in her people skills. She still can be a bit shy in new scenarios, but is usually very outgoing.

Happy 6, little one. I love you!