Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 03, 2004

Still not standing...

Well, Ryanne seems to have given up on standing up. She's gone back to just crawling everywhere, and becoming quite the crawler. She is getting SO fast that she actually made it to the plug on the other side of the couch and pulled the plug cover out before I caught up to her (she can squeeze through between my rocker and the couch and I can't). Nothing seems to slow her down, even the dresses grandma sent!

She still seems to enjoy walking with someone holding her up, though. She's practically running when she does that, even. She takes these huge steps and moves very quickly.

We're realizing that we don't point and identify objects very much so we're starting to work on that. She's starting to play "Where is?" a lot better. If you ask where dada or mama are, she'll look around until she sees the right one. She still doesn't clap, but she is doing lots more waving hi and bye and starting to do it when requested. Tonight, she even started some mimicking - I was laughing and she started looking at me and giggling, too. It cracked me up even more! I think she may even know what "mama" means when she says it, but I want a few more trials of context to be sure.

I think her cold is almost gone. Hopefully this means she'll go back to sleeping well. I really miss my 5-6 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Right now, I'm lucky if she's not up for the first time by 1a. I barely wake up once she's in bed with us (yes, still doing some co-sleeping, for my own sanity) so I get a decent night's sleep, but it's not the same. She's fully trained away from needing to suck on one of our fingers to go to sleep. Right now, her pacifier is music, but that's not a big deal to us. Even Chrys needed music to fall asleep until he started sleeping with me and it kept me awake. :) Chrys was even able to get her to fall asleep in her crib tonight just by stroking her head and back. This is a change from falling asleep in our arms to the music. Slowly, but surely, I think we'll get a great sleeper!

Chrys started back to work full-time on Monday. This lasted until Wednesday before I cracked and ended up a sputtering mess begging him to only work half-time. Now, he's flexing his days (per his manager) so that he only works in the mornings. He'll end up making up the hours later, and then some.

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