(First off, I'd like to say how happy I am that the gods of pop culture and Google programming have come together to allow that to be the first link in a search for "llama" saving me from page upon page of useful information on the species when all I wanted was to get that stupid song out of my head.)
Ryanne went to the Nagasaki Bio Park today. She had a blast. She is convinced the best part of the WHOLE thing is the llamas.
We had a bit of a debate as we viewed the llamas.
RC (spotting the one at the entrance): HOHSEY!
Me: Nooo...that's a llama.
RC: Hohsey?
Me: Llama
RC: Mama?!
Me: Llama
Lather, rinse, repeat...
It took the 3rd sighting before she stopped addressing them as horses, but boy was I confused when she started yelling "mama" at the 4th before I saw it. She is obsessed enough that we had to stop at every single llama so we could pet, hug and air kiss them as I told her, again, that she couldn't ride them. I don't think they knew what to do with my overaffectionate little girl.
She now has a little llama - he's apparently the Bio Park mascot of sorts. She played with it on the train ride home. He ran up and down the windowsill. "MammaMammaMammaMamma - wunwunwunwun" She apparently saw FAR more active llamas than I. I only saw the ones that just sat there in the heat and rested.
Toddler perception is truly amusing, I mean amazing.
Here’s a llama
There’s a llama
And another little llama
Fuzzy llama
Funny llama
Llama, llama, duck
Llama, llama
Cheesecake llama
Tablet, brick, potato
Llama, llama
Mushroom llama
Llama, llama, duck
I was once a tree-house
I lived in a cake
But I never saw the way
The orange slayed the rake
I was only three years dead
But it told the tale
And now listen little child
To the safety rail
Did you ever see a llama?
Kiss a llama
On the llama
Llama’s llama
Taste of llama
Llama, llama, duck
Half a llama
Twice the llama
Not a llama
Farmer, llama
Llama in a car
Alarm a llama
Llama, duck
Is that how it’s told now?
Is it all so old?
Is it made of lemon juice?
Doorknob, ankle, cold
Now my song is getting thin
I’ve run out of luck
Time for me to retire now
And become a duck
Wow where was my childhood? I have never heard of the Llama song. Boy do I have a lot of stuff to learn before we get to that point. Not that we are even ready for the point or close to getting to that point. I can picture you all in my head, R with the Llama and Mom lovingly watching, gee I miss you guys.
Heh...it's not a childhood thing, it's a recent someone with too much time and a flash thing. It's one of those really annoying, catchy, gets stuck in your head songs. I linked it in the title so I can get to it when it gets stuck.
Yeah maybe so but I was meaning that I have never heard of it, even as a child. I mean how many other everyone else has heard it as a kid things have I missed? Or is it a recent thing that because you have kids it all comes floading back? Maybe I will find out the mystery soon, but only time will tell.
Oh my gosh, I missed your link to the song in the title. I found it by googling. And then tonight, while it was loading, I paid attention to the composer/artist...is that a play on Sesame Street's Bert and Earnie? You suppose there really is a Burton Earny? Such goofiness. What a hoot!
Love and hugs,
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