When Corin was born, I had a selection of presents set aside for him to give to Ryanne. He gave her one gift each day for half a week.
The first day, he gave her the baby boy for her doll house family. The next day, he gave her a book she's been playing with every time we go to B&N (this Dora story book with a projector and little discs - like a ViewMaster that you can see on the wall). Then he gave her a stethoscope that actually works (albeit quietly). Last was Finding Nemo.
The stethoscope was a huge hit. She took it to the midwife's office and proudly listened to everyone there. She listens to me and to Corin regularly.
She remembers clearly the time we were in NY and Auntie MK listened to her heartbeat and took her blood pressure, etc. She's declared that she's going to be a midwife and listen to heartbeats like aunt Mawy Kay. I haven't explained that MK isn't working on being a midwife as RC still thinks midwives are doctors, etc. Someday we'll work on the difference, but I think it's kind of neat that the 'I want to be' stage is starting already. Lucky for us, she's got some AWESOME role models.
I'm tickled that she remembers playing with the stethascope, etc. It was great for me to get to practice on her too :) And I see no reason to enforce a paternalistic, hierarchical, and increasingly blurry distinction between doctors and everyone else, so don't feel bad :-). I'm totally flattered.
Though after next week, I'm sure she'll want to be an umpire like Uncle Dan instead :)
Yeah that is too cute, I remember how much fun it was for the two of you to do that and how she wanted to hear and play with all of the equipment. It is even neat to know that she remembers all of that, will this be one of her earliest memories someday?
It must be so hard, the bitter sweetness of it all that you've done such a great job raising her so far that she is this independant and welcoming of new experiances and yet so hard at the same time.
It is for just two days and just think you'll have the alone time with CO and then RC will be back.
Just tae it one day at a time and remember we're all here if you need us.
Love Chris
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