Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Ryanne is in love with the new JoAnn's superstore. It has fabric and pretty purple yarn and 'crafts' and so much goodness in one store. She asks to go there on a regular basis - at least weekly.

On one of our first trips, she wanted a build your own bear thing. They had The Hulk, a princess, a ballerina and SpiderMan to choose from. My girl wanted SpiderMan. Desperately. She was pretty rude about it so we didn't get it. Next time we were in the store, she actually remembered it and asked very nicely. I had a 50% off coupon - yay internetz - so we got it.

We got home and we sat down on the floor and got it stuffed. She didn't particularly like that process so I ended up doing a lot of it. Then it was time to name it. She picked Spider Mater, in honor of two of her favorite characters these days. She loves dressing Spider Mater in his costume.

Last week, she decided she needed to knit. She wanted to knit for me - I'm working on a skirt for her these days. I asked her how she knitted and she started waving her hands around frantically in the air. I told her it was a much smaller motion and she started waving in small circles in the air. We now have one skein of yarn that she picked - purple, of course - and some kid length size 10 needles because on her last trip to JoAnn's she insisted that I teach her to knit. I'll see if I can get her started on a small scarf. I figure even if she just knits the whole thing it would be pretty amazing feat for a 3 year old.

She loves foamies and stickers and glitter glue. She's getting MUCH better with scissors. She's really enjoying her play-doh. I think she got the art gene that exists in both families, but seems to have skipped her father and me.

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