Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, February 28, 2010


For dinner tonight we had chicken sautéed with broccoli and marinade served with mac and cheese. You can guess which part of that was my choice and which was the kids'.

Ryanne plowed through her mac and cheese. She declared she was still hungry. I suggested the chicken and broccoli. She insisted that she needed mac and cheese to eat with it. I told her how sorry I was that she was out but that if she was really still hungry there was plenty of food left on her plate.

We had the typical dialogues on how people need a variety of foods, how mean I am, how hungry she is, how her mouth doesn't like lemon marinade anymore, etc.

Finally she looks at me.
"Mommy, do you want this to stop?"

I smell a trap.
"Yes, I do. I find this really frustrating."

She sniffles.
"Then you should just give me more mac and cheese. Then I will stop crying and eat my protein and be full."

As you can guess, it didn't stop.

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