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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Rally to Save Texas Schools

This morning, Ryanne asked me what we were doing today.  I have avoided talking to her about the budget cuts because, unlike Austin, we're not facing closures in Round Rock ISD so it doesn't seem as severe.  Instead, I would have to name names and tell her that teachers she has grown to love the past two years will likely not be at the school next year.  We've had wonderful teachers for her.  New teachers.  First teachers to go when layoffs come.

This morning, I laid it out for her.  Talked about the budget crisis.  Talked about how Round Rock wasn't going to close schools, but that they were going to reduce staff.  I listed a few possible names.  She cried.  I cried.  I told her that as sad as it was, crying over things that aren't guaranteed doesn't help anything.  Then she asked what we could do about it and I bawled like a baby.

I am so, so proud of my girl today.  I told her that we could tell our government that we didn't like the decisions they were making by going to the rally.  She asked if she could make a sign and I told her to bring her paper and markers to her brother's soccer practice.  She did.  She made a sign that said, "Save the schools by giving them money! Give money, money, money!"  She drew coins on it and labeled them with values.  This is what's they've been talking about at school so it was an interesting transition to the real world application.

At the rally, we bumped into some of the Wells Branch teachers and walked with them.  She was able to explain to one of them why we were there.  The teacher understood Ryanne's analysis and commented on how it was making her tear up that Ryanne really got it.  Now I'm crying again.

My kid knows that her teachers are at risk.  My kid was yelling as loud as she could to "Save Our Schools" and "Save My Teachers" with 11,000 other people.  My kid was sad and angry and wants to fix it.

It was an amazing day.  And heartbreaking.  And then more amazing.  That girl of mine is going to do spectacular things.  She has a heart so big and the brains to back it.  I wish these lessons didn't come with such a high emotional price tag, though.

She asked if the rally was good enough that the government would find the money for the schools.  The hardest words I said all day were, "I hope so."  I really hope the Texas Legislature is listening.

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