She has really latched on to the routine at the new house. She has some specific times that things need to happen and I give her countdowns to those times. It works really well most days. Today we were running a couple of minutes late, or the bus was a minute or two early, and we had to separate at the middle of the driveway instead of the end (because I couldn't keep up).
She gives me three kisses and hugs every day when the bus gets here. One for me, one for Corin and one (with the kiss on my belly) for Thing 3. Every morning. It's really sweet.
She has developed more patience and maturity lately. One day, she asked for a pencil for her backpack so she could start doing her homework on the bus. She finishes it every afternoon during the 45 minute bus ride. She was mad at me on Wednesday for picking her up because her homework would have to be done at home. We compromised and did it in the car in the driveway and she still finished 15 minutes before she would have been home on the bus.
Discussing the experiment to see which was faster was enough to calm her down. She didn't need to keep fighting because she knew she could prove she was right or be wrong and still come out ahead.
We forgot to do her book report this weekend. I suggested she take it on the bus this morning and she loved that idea so it's in her backpack.
The level of maturity and responsibility that comes with aging is remarkable to watch unfold. Now, if I could just get her to clean her room...
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