Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 09, 2013


Conversation with daddy about how lungs get oxygen. He decides to compare them to food on a table. 

Chrys: "You breathe in oxygen and other stuff."
RC: "and your lungs sort it out and put the other stuff back?"
Chrys: "No. Imagine you put 50 hot dogs and 20 cookies on the table. You don't want any hot dogs. How many hot dogs do you have to pick up?"
RC: "50 because you didn't eat any."
Me: "No no no. Not at the end. While you're eating. How many hot dogs do you have to move or pick up to get your cookies."
RC: "Oohhhhhhhhh. Zero"

Literal. For $1000 please. 

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