Given that, I think it's time for an animal sounds recap.
- Cow - mmmmoooooo
- Cat - Mrow
- Dog - Aaaa Aaaa (in her best little girl squealy voice)
- Duck - Qua Qua
- Frog - Ree Ree or Tah Tah
- Lion - Raaaa (in her best deep voice)
- Bird - Wee Wee
- Fish - kissy lips that move
- Bunny Rabbit - some funky combination of moving her lips, squinting her eyes and sometimes pushing her nose up (trying to wiggle her nose like mama)
We need to get the series on video, but that may take us a bit as we'll need longer than the 30s allowed by our digital still.
Oh, and I'll bury these since they're no fun to talk about. She's just about given me a heart attack twice in the last week. First, she cut herself on one of L'il bro's knives. He was cutting up boxes and she got to the knife as he tried to keep it away from her. It nicked her finger pretty deep so it took a while to stop bleeding. She hated having to sit still while I put pressure on it.
Second, I followed her out on to our 11th story balcony today. She walked into my bedroom, up to the door, unlocked it, walked outside, shut the door behind her and climbed onto the bottom of the rail (about 6" off the ground). I'm pretty sure the bars are too close for her to ever squeeze through them, but I'm not 100% happy she has this new skill.
Bring on the grey hairs!