Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, September 17, 2005

This one's for the cap'n

Since I don't think he reads much, maybe his lovely bride will pass it on.

RC *loves* baysbowl (baseball). If I flip past it on television, she goes completely nuts. She'll actually sit and watch for 10-15 minutes. At this point, she even understands to cheer when they hit the ball and groan if it's caught. She doesn't pick sides. She sort of understands that the ump yells something loudly and she'll yell with him (strikes mostly). It's amazingly cute.

We get American and Japanese broadcasts and she doesn't seem to care which she watches. The biggest difference is that the Japanese don't have the constant stream of commentary to go with them. I find it rather nice and RC gets to pay more attention to what's actually happening instead of trying to understand what they're saying.

They play in the park sometimes. Actually, watching today, I think it's fast pitch softball, but she can't tell the difference. Chrys said she got really into it last time they stopped by. Today we didn't get a good view and they were done when we came down from hiking so she didn't get to watch much. That didn't stop her from talking about it all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baseball without commentators? Man, now I'm jealous. :)