Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Death of the Japanese spoon

Ryanne broke her "Japan spoon" today. She was carrying it to the breakfast table to eat her yogurt and I heard the telltale chink of porcelain breaking as it hit the floor. She was crushed. This thing was her pride and joy. If it was clean, you can bet she was eating with it. She adored it.

"Oh no"
"What happened, honey?"
"My Japan spoon"
"Did it break?"
"Mama, you need a gwoo it"
"I'll try" (followed by many desperate minutes of trying...and put it back together with super glue)
"Mama, fix it"
"I can't, sweetie. It's broken in a place that I can't get it back together." (the handle broke about halfway up)
"Mama, I need anodder Japan spoon" (as she runs to the drawer)
"Ryanne, we only had one porcelain spoon. That was it."
"Nooooooo, mama, my poon"

There were tears. Lots of tears.

Yeah...guess who's googling "porcelain spoon" and hoping for a miracle. The biggest problem is that it's not one of the standard white Japanese soup spoons. Stupid thing was free at the porcelain shop I always went to in Arita. I think it was for coffee. Curses.

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