Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


After 2 days of how well she was doing, how it seems to be working, how they love her...they had an email complaint this morning that Ryanne had bitten someone during recess yesterday. Ryanne says she didn't, but I watched her almost bite another kid at pickup so I just don't know. She admits to trying to scratch someone because he pushed her. They say he bumped into her and she did scratch.

That reminded me that we had problems when she transitioned to the Y 2 years ago. She bit someone the first week and then stopped. I told them that. I didn't remember it before because it was so long ago and not a continuing problem. She bites at home all the time, but she doesn't do it at school.

After 10 minutes of what a doll, we've loved having her, what does she think, they explained that they didn't think it was working because of the outbreaks and the fact that she's fidgety at the end of circle time. She's right on target for her developmental age, but that age isn't 5. They invited us to try again in January, but I don't know that I will and Chrys absolutely doesn't want to, at least not there. We've already dealt with the Little Gym that labeled her as a problem at the outset and we don't want to risk that again. I took her with me, early, much to their surprise - which I don't get because I would think it would be harder for her to finish out the day with the rest of the class and *then* learn she's not coming back.

I, embarrassingly, cried. She's so, so disappointed. So much for working to fix a problem as it says in their materials. And they kept saying how they don't like surprising people with things, but this was a hell of a shock after the feedback for the rest of the week. Damn "trial week" getting her and my hopes up because, no matter how much I tell her it's a test, she doesn't get that they're testing her, too. This week has been so wonderful with her waking up, eager to go to school.

I don't know what to do. She needs something. *I* need something. The Y doesn't cut it for us anymore because I can't fight her to go everyday. I don't know if our pocketbook can take Montessori. I don't know if I want to send her every day. I guess I need to find some of the part time Montessori schools and see if any of them still have a spot.

Most of all, I'm totally pissed at a school's ability to make me question my knowledge of my daughter. I *know* she's ready for this, but in 15 minutes they made me think I was wrong. Damn them. Damn biting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know that I'm sometimes I'm slow to post conclusions...So, here's mine: The school FAILED.
Gamma Ree/Mom