Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, November 08, 2004

L'il bro's name

While the movers put our stuff in on Sunday, RC and I were locked in our bedroom with the cats. She moved from cat to cat saying "gentle" and petting them very carefully. Then she'd grin and reach down and give the cat a hug, try to pick him/her up and eventually settle on putting her head down on the cat's side and trying to rest. This would last all of 2 seconds and then the cat would move to get away and she'd move on to the next cat.

I think she's also figure out l'il bro's name. He's been pushing my buttons lately so I've been yelling his full name a lot. The other day after I had yelled at him, she turned around with as stern a look as a one year old can muster and yelled "MyToe". I just about died laughing, despite my frustration with him. Now she says it a lot and seems to even realize that it can be used to communicate with or call him as well as express one's frustration with just about anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm LOL here at my office. Hugs from gammaree!