Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Our stuff arrived from Texas today. RC was playing as if she'd never seen many of these before even though she had access to all of them only 2 weeks ago. It strengthens my resolve to start a program where we circulate through her toys on a weekly (biweekly?) basis so everything old is new again more often. I think I have the perfect opportunity to initiate that here...just have to get back to the 100¥ store and get some more baskets.

With the arrival of the stuff also came her booster seat. This is an item that I am THRILLED to have since it turns out that trying to feed a toddler without something in which to restrain her is not an easy task. She's been doing more snacking than eating lately and it's been driving me a bit bonkers. Mostly because since she tracks rice everywhere, I find rice EVERYWHERE. Cold, gummy rice is not a good feeling when you just step out of a nice hot shower.

The other thing is that she's been eating a TON these past two days. I think that 12 month growth spurt is right around the corner if not already in progress. That's the other benefit to the booster - I can put her in it and give her a plate with her meal so I know how much she's actually consuming. When she's just eating off of my plate, it's a bit hard to tell. The good news is that I gave her quite a bit for lunch and dinner and she devoured all of it (minus two TINY chunks of cucumber) so the eating is not a figment of my sometimes overactive imagination.

The movers also brought her wagon. I know it's not a steel wagon, but it had seat belts so it seemed a better choice for her first birthday present from mama and dada. Turns out those seat belts are worth their weight in gold! L'il bro and I assembled it (without the use of the recommended hammer...our downstairs neighbors must HATE us by now) and took her down to the San-Ai. For the first part of the ride, she tried everything to stand up, but the belt held strong. It was a wonderful thing. As I had hoped, there was room for her on one side and room for the groceries we bought on the other, making the trip home almost as stress free as the trip there (barring the beginning grunts of boredom from my passenger and efforts necessary to keep the groceries on "their side" despite the bumpy roads). The handle is long enough that I don't have to bend over, indicating that it was a purchase made on the other side of the water. I'm in love!

Speaking of the marked my first attempt at buying non-clearly labelled kids finger foods. I picked up these little white dot things that look like hard bread - spherical croutons, if you will.'s back to expensive boxes of crackers. These things are like hardened confectioners sugar...not ideal for an afternoon snack.

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