Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Listen to me

Ryanne has decided that the best way to make sure we're listening is to put her hands on the sides of our faces, hold us steady looking at her, and address us.

Incident 1 (secondhand until he gets his own login and I can add him to the editor list): I'm shopping for Yukata robes and Chrys and RC have wandered off. Ryanne starts asking for me. Chrys makes her repeat "Where is mama?" At the end, she grabs his face, gets really close to him and says "whe-are?" He promptly came looking for me.

Incident 2: It's somewhere between "jeezus it's early" and "are you kidding me?", i.e., the hour of 5am to 6am. Ryanne has woken up, nursed, and decided she needs to go potty. We're in the WC (which is literally a closet in our apt and gets DARNED hot). I'm barely awake. I'm squinting because I don't have my glasses on and, well, my eyes don't really want to stay open because I'm barely awake. Ryanne is practicing one of her new favorite faces - furrowed brows - in an imitation of the face I assume I'm making. She's alternating between this and a big smile. It's funny; it's cute. I can barely manage a smirk because...I'm barely awake. She leans down from her throne, grabs my face and flashes this HUGE smile. I guess I managed to smile enough at that because she went about her business and left me alone.

I've also gotten grabbed to give kisses, or rub noses, or get bonked in the forehead really hard (*love* that last one). It's definitely an attention getter.

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