Yes, this is the chant of choice at our house. With the new house came a loss of the large over fireplace area that held our TV and all of the assorted stereo gear. It now sits on a 12" high table. Sadly, this means that Pandora's Box of cacophony has opened for our little girl.
"I wan muuuuzic." Luckily, she doesn't know where the power button is yet (it breaks the round, green button rule that helped her figure out EVERY remote in the world). We have to turn it on for her.
She loves BNL.
"I wan it WOUD" precedes her turning the volume knob. Sometimes she does it slowly so it's only a bit louder. Sometimes she manages to find ears bleeding volume very quickly.
"I dancin" accompanies her father-taught dance moves. Mostly, this looks like she's in the middle of a spastic mosh pit. I'll leave any further explanation to your imagination.
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