That's her mantra for this evening. We went to Christmas in July with the Round Rock Express. She had a blast and actually just watched most of the game happily in the seats. Of course, we left at the 7th inning stretch as she was looking a little dazed and starting to prefer sitting with her face away from the game and her ears covered. She took 3 walks with daddy - water, snow (turns out it was foam so she didn't get to play in it), and cotton candy (which she NEEDED).
She liked watching the ball the most. We couldn't get her to clap or cheer much, though. She would yell "nice catch" and "almost got it" at semi-appropriate times. The folks around us seemed to mostly enjoy her. One woman seemed disappointed that we didn't direct her to cheer for the team instead of the ball - pah!
We talked about the men in blue - the umpires - and how Uncle D was one, but not there. She thought that was cool, as if he wasn't cool enough already.
On the way out, she picked out one of those little wooden bats that they sell - in pink, the girly side comes out. She tried repeatedly to get me to buy her a ball because she needed one to hit, but I convinced her that I'd buy her a softer one (instead of the pink baseball she wanted).
On the drive home, she kept telling us that she was going to play lots of baseball games. Yeah, I think she's hooked for good.