Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, April 02, 2010

Love notes

Chrys has taken over making Ryanne's lunches. He's also taken over leaving her little notes on the top of the box. He would save the one from the day before and reuse it until the sticky was gone.

A while ago, I saw her coaching her brother to hide his note on the underside of the cabinet. I assumed Chrys knew about it.

Last week, he commented that she was throwing the notes away. He thought she didn't like them being reused.

I laughed and showed him the cabinet.

I asked her why. Apparently his notes take away from her brain's ability to read other things. It sounds like she assumes she has a finite limit of things she can read in a day's time and doesn't want to spend it on notes from daddy.

He now strives harder to create unique notes.

She still hides them under the cabinet.

I apologize to whoever buys this house next. I'm certain I won't remember to remove them all.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

Eeyore said...

This is so dear by both of them. What a wonderful pair they are in the family.