Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, August 11, 2005


Well, she calls them tiTTers. Whatever the name, she's in love. She loves sticking them on things, most notably her body. She always starts with the face. If you're special, you get one, too. First one is usually the forehead, sometimes the nose. From there, it gets kind of random.

When we were in Disney, she stuck one to her thigh. She loved this...until it was time to take it off after she'd fallen asleep with it on there. It was *stuck*. She couldn't get it off. I had to do the fast pull and just get it off. She was very mad. She had an angry red circle-shaped welt on her leg that took a bit to go away. That didn't stop her from sticking them all over herself as soon as she got a new one. It didn't take long to get a new one as every cast member wanted her to have one, at least. I still have a stash that I collected when she was already busy with one.

It wasn't just Disney, though. Everywhere we go, it seems, she gets stickers. She got them at the dentist - what happened to a toothbrush? Those were Hello Kitty ones and they made her day. Today, the lady at the post office recognized me and I have some for her from there, too. Between those, the dozens we have from Mr. Donut and the handful from the Pocky boxes during their promotion, we're going to be covered...literally.


Anonymous said...

If this was from your phone-camera, it takes such good pictures!! And, even stickers on your feet - chuckle, chuckle. Love, Mom

Wynnie said...

Yup, that's the cell phone. As for the stickers, that's Ryanne's foot. Mine are a bit bigger. She insisted that it be in the picture when I told her we were going to capture the stickers. Got very upset when I tried to take a shot without it.

Anonymous said...

Re Feet - Caution - Objects in the (image) appear larger than they really are...hee-hee. Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Stickers, did someone say stickers? Yes a girl after my own heart. Hmm not on letters but on body parts interesting concept. Are you sure RC and I are not blood related? No just related in this case by a love of stickers but by love anyway. I guess we both seem to have that wonderful sticker gene.


Anonymous said...

Awww... that's too cute!!