Ryanne turned 2 on Saturday. We partied in style and I think she had a great time. We may have problems having the celebrations get any bigger than this one. Fortunately, I don't think that will be a problem until she's 12. All in all, I didn't have any emotional meltdowns like I thought. While Chrys put her down on Saturday night, I went down to the hotel lounge and sat. I did some cross-stitch, listened to some decent jazz and toasted the last two years with a bit of amaretto. It was a nice moment to reflect on what's happened and how lucky I am to have had it happen to me. I got teary as I crawled into bed that night, but they went quickly and I was back to just being very happy to enjoy my girl.
As for the weekend...I'll post more details on the Japan blog, since it pertains to that, too. She adored meeting Kitty (repeatedly) and getting to feed tigers.
When we got home, she was spoiled rotten (again this year for possible thank yous):
Legos from her parents (140 pc bucket) and her aunt Fyoire (weiner dog case)
Bunny doll and book from RoaminUmp & mSWAE
High chair for her doll (Popo) from Doe Itoe
Miffy and Books from Yoshihara-san
Closet for Popo's clothes from mommy (mostly for Mommy's sanity when RC wants "sots" (socks) for the doll...NOW!
More clothes for Popo (underwear and kimono) from mommy and daddy
Hello Kitty kitchen from mommy and daddy
Boynton birthday book, Dragon opposite book from mommy and daddy
Blue's Clues Handy Dandy Notebooks from mommy and daddy (tinking chayuh, tink tink tink)
When we were in Austin, she got (and I'm likely forgetting something)
Dress and shoes for wedding from Aunt Kity
Clothes, clothes and more clothes from Kity and her parents
ABC sweater from Gamazonas (meemaw and bampa)
Video and ABC book from Gamma Ree
Mini Robosapien from daddy
Duplo Dragon castle from mommy and daddy
She did really well opening them. She opened, played for a bit and then moved on. She spent quite a while tonight cutting her carrot in her kitchen. She also managed to leave Legos ALL over the floor and, later, trip and fall on top of one. This left a pretty ugly mark on her cheek that "huhts".
We got her an ice cream cake tonight and she barely touched it. She liked the candles and was able to blow them out all by herself (after 3 or 4 tries...stupid camera died so I was distracted). She ate part of the chocolate name plate and had a forkful of ice cream that I carved out for her. She didn't want the cake or icing or anything. She's not much of a sweets fan, though she always has a place for "chokkit".
Oh, and upon arriving home, she proudly announced that there were 2 papers waiting in the mail slot. Now, if we can just get her to say she's 2, we'll be set.
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Ryanne just cut two canine teeth. She cut one last night (lower right) and one the night before (lower left). Aside from her waking up screaming bloody murder in the middle of the night for those two nights, they've been pretty easy on us.
Of course, if I can blame tonight's sniffy nose and the last two weeks' worth of daytime crankiness on them, I may do that, too. Honestly, what kid throws a fit when told she's going to the park? Yeah...let's call that teething irritability.
Of course, if I can blame tonight's sniffy nose and the last two weeks' worth of daytime crankiness on them, I may do that, too. Honestly, what kid throws a fit when told she's going to the park? Yeah...let's call that teething irritability.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
What's wrong with 6
RC can count. 1 to 11, but she leaves out 6. I wonder what 6 did. Regardless, I'm pretty proud.
She seems most enamored by 8, 9, 10 and 11.
She was doing 8-11 last night in the shower, just babbling. This morning, though, we counted her 10 markers. Well, she thinks there are 11, but that's because there was no 6.
I guess we need to find a taller building so we can work on 12-20.
She seems most enamored by 8, 9, 10 and 11.
She was doing 8-11 last night in the shower, just babbling. This morning, though, we counted her 10 markers. Well, she thinks there are 11, but that's because there was no 6.
I guess we need to find a taller building so we can work on 12-20.
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
The road to weaning
This week, we've started having Chrys put Ryanne down for bed. This means I'm not in there. This is supposed to help her wean that before bed feeding. I thought I was ready.
There are major parts of me that are ready to be done nursing. My goal was 2 years. I am so grateful for the time I've gotten with her. We are so lucky to have had it 'work' and sustain itself.
Then, there's the part of me whose heart just breaks when she looks at me as I stand in the living room and she gets taken into her bedroom. The part that cries when she is saying "ilt" and on the verge of tears. I want this to be gentle for her, but I want to encourage her.
Tonight we sang in the living room and that made it better. I got a hug and kiss instead of her refusing. Chrys sang to her some more. She still asked to nurse.
The part of me that loves to sleep is enjoying not hearing a peep from her until after 5am these nights that she's gone down without nursing. The part of me that loves to cuddle misses those frequent night time wakings and feedings.
She still asks to nurse during the day. She still wants it before her nap and when she wakes up (around 5 and for the day). These requests are eagerly granted - moreso than before and maybe that's a benefit that will come from losing this one nursing. I don't think this is a permanent end, but it sure feels more final than I expected.
I thought that this would be our "easy" one. I thought that Chrys putting her down would go smoothly and there wouldn't be a fight. I think I'm scared that this will be the hard one and the others will fall by the wayside as she gets busier during the days and naps less frequently (we're still skipping them now and then). I'm worried that she'll never nurse again once she starts preschool because the day ones will be all that's left and I won't be there during the day.
I know that if I want it I have to be strong. The problem is that right now, I can't remember how much I wanted it before I heard her cry in Chrys' arms that I wasn't there, nursing her.
I'll get through this, right? She won't nurse until she's 18 and ready to move out. There has to be an end at some point. She has to grow up. This one, though, is more painful than I expected now that I've started it.
There are major parts of me that are ready to be done nursing. My goal was 2 years. I am so grateful for the time I've gotten with her. We are so lucky to have had it 'work' and sustain itself.
Then, there's the part of me whose heart just breaks when she looks at me as I stand in the living room and she gets taken into her bedroom. The part that cries when she is saying "ilt" and on the verge of tears. I want this to be gentle for her, but I want to encourage her.
Tonight we sang in the living room and that made it better. I got a hug and kiss instead of her refusing. Chrys sang to her some more. She still asked to nurse.
The part of me that loves to sleep is enjoying not hearing a peep from her until after 5am these nights that she's gone down without nursing. The part of me that loves to cuddle misses those frequent night time wakings and feedings.
She still asks to nurse during the day. She still wants it before her nap and when she wakes up (around 5 and for the day). These requests are eagerly granted - moreso than before and maybe that's a benefit that will come from losing this one nursing. I don't think this is a permanent end, but it sure feels more final than I expected.
I thought that this would be our "easy" one. I thought that Chrys putting her down would go smoothly and there wouldn't be a fight. I think I'm scared that this will be the hard one and the others will fall by the wayside as she gets busier during the days and naps less frequently (we're still skipping them now and then). I'm worried that she'll never nurse again once she starts preschool because the day ones will be all that's left and I won't be there during the day.
I know that if I want it I have to be strong. The problem is that right now, I can't remember how much I wanted it before I heard her cry in Chrys' arms that I wasn't there, nursing her.
I'll get through this, right? She won't nurse until she's 18 and ready to move out. There has to be an end at some point. She has to grow up. This one, though, is more painful than I expected now that I've started it.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Most mornings, RC helps her dada make his coffee. Right now, we have one of those plastic single cup things that holds a filter and sits on top of your mug. He makes himself a thermos to take to work and a big mug on the weekends.
She loves this. She knows the thermos. She knows each of our coffee mugs. She knows that I stir mine (and loves to help). She identifies all hot brown liquid (and sometimes even cold since I rarely get a soda when we're out) as "foffee".
What's really fun is that she makes "foffee" for herself. This involves sticking any object from the kitchen (sometimes it's a plate, sometimes she actually manages to get hold of the one Chrys uses, sometimes it's a bigger cup) on top of any cup looking object (bowl, mug, glass). She stacks them carefully, gets them balanced so she can stop holding on and then proudly announces "foffee" for all to hear. It cracks me up every time and she knows it.
She loves this. She knows the thermos. She knows each of our coffee mugs. She knows that I stir mine (and loves to help). She identifies all hot brown liquid (and sometimes even cold since I rarely get a soda when we're out) as "foffee".
What's really fun is that she makes "foffee" for herself. This involves sticking any object from the kitchen (sometimes it's a plate, sometimes she actually manages to get hold of the one Chrys uses, sometimes it's a bigger cup) on top of any cup looking object (bowl, mug, glass). She stacks them carefully, gets them balanced so she can stop holding on and then proudly announces "foffee" for all to hear. It cracks me up every time and she knows it.
Television with daddy

From Chrys:
RC and I periodically watch childrens' shows on my computer. Sometimes I can't stand it, and we watch a show I like. One day, this was Star Trek: Voyager. Those familiar with the show may be familiar with a character named "Seven". She has several pieces of technology as part of her body. The show depicts this with metallic coverings, such as the very visible piece of metal covering her left eyebrow.
*whispering* eyebaw.
*quiet voice* eyebaw.
*loud voice* EYEbaw.
*shouting* EYEBAW!
At this point, she grabs my face, squeezing my head with a hand on each cheek. As forcefully as she can, she turns my head to face her.
*shouting* EYEBAW!
A dozen seconds after it began do I actually understand what she's so desperately trying to communicate. Seven's metallic eyebrow covering is the most novel thing RC has ever seen.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Stats (aka, the long overdue brag post)
We took RC to the pediatrician while we were in the US. She is 34" tall and 27 lbs. This puts her 60-70 percentile for both. Overall, the appointment went very well. She got 6 shots: Hep A, DTaP, Prevnar, Flu, Varicella, MMR. All were Thymerisol free. She also had the TB test done on her arm. She wasn't happy about the shots - she screamed "ow ow ow" and almost broke my heart. I wrestled with the Varicella (chicken pox). I'd like her to get them naturally, but I fear that most people (especially in our area) are giving the vaccine so the likelihood of her getting them is dwindling. I just have to hope it was the right choice.
She's wearing 18-24 months, but some of those are getting a little tight. I'm buying 2T and those are a little big. She's in that awkward between sizes stage that I'm not fond of.
Her feet measured size 7W so she's wearing 7.5W. She swims in an 8. 2T to 3T sizing seems to stop at size 7 so she's ahead of the pack there - got daddy's feet, I guess.
The pediatrician asked about potty training. We confessed that she let us know she needed to poop before going in her diaper more than 50% of the time. She told us we were very lucky and that we should get some training pants so RC would know when she was wet - absorbent diapers can delay that, apparently. I bought those today, but I don't know that I'm ready for this stage. (Cute aside: We were at the library today. There is a mini-toilet in the kids section. RC went into the stall, tried to pull down her pants and couldn't. She let me help her. She let me leave them around her ankles like a big girl. She sat on the toilet and peed. She wiped. She flushed. She let me help her pull the pants up. She was crazy excited. I figure I need to get over it fast.)
We figure she's saying well over 200 words at this point, though we haven't counted since we hit 125 6 months ago. After our week in the states, she's putting together 2 and 3 words more regularly. (We got "dog bahking owside" yesterday as we walked into the apartment.) Her favorite is "No, peas" when she doesn't want something. I like it much better than her just screaming "No," though she still does her share of that.
She'll be 2 in 23 days. That's craziness. We're taking her to Harmonyland since she is a bit "titty" obsessed. (Yeah, figured out that her saying that isn't all that embarrassing here, but a different story in the US where passersby know what that means.) We got tickets to an African Safari park for Sunday so she can see the big cats, too. I think it will be a good time.
She's wearing 18-24 months, but some of those are getting a little tight. I'm buying 2T and those are a little big. She's in that awkward between sizes stage that I'm not fond of.
Her feet measured size 7W so she's wearing 7.5W. She swims in an 8. 2T to 3T sizing seems to stop at size 7 so she's ahead of the pack there - got daddy's feet, I guess.
The pediatrician asked about potty training. We confessed that she let us know she needed to poop before going in her diaper more than 50% of the time. She told us we were very lucky and that we should get some training pants so RC would know when she was wet - absorbent diapers can delay that, apparently. I bought those today, but I don't know that I'm ready for this stage. (Cute aside: We were at the library today. There is a mini-toilet in the kids section. RC went into the stall, tried to pull down her pants and couldn't. She let me help her. She let me leave them around her ankles like a big girl. She sat on the toilet and peed. She wiped. She flushed. She let me help her pull the pants up. She was crazy excited. I figure I need to get over it fast.)
We figure she's saying well over 200 words at this point, though we haven't counted since we hit 125 6 months ago. After our week in the states, she's putting together 2 and 3 words more regularly. (We got "dog bahking owside" yesterday as we walked into the apartment.) Her favorite is "No, peas" when she doesn't want something. I like it much better than her just screaming "No," though she still does her share of that.
She'll be 2 in 23 days. That's craziness. We're taking her to Harmonyland since she is a bit "titty" obsessed. (Yeah, figured out that her saying that isn't all that embarrassing here, but a different story in the US where passersby know what that means.) We got tickets to an African Safari park for Sunday so she can see the big cats, too. I think it will be a good time.
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