From Chrys:
RC and I periodically watch childrens' shows on my computer. Sometimes I can't stand it, and we watch a show I like. One day, this was Star Trek: Voyager. Those familiar with the show may be familiar with a character named "Seven". She has several pieces of technology as part of her body. The show depicts this with metallic coverings, such as the very visible piece of metal covering her left eyebrow.
*whispering* eyebaw.
*quiet voice* eyebaw.
*loud voice* EYEbaw.
*shouting* EYEBAW!
At this point, she grabs my face, squeezing my head with a hand on each cheek. As forcefully as she can, she turns my head to face her.
*shouting* EYEBAW!
A dozen seconds after it began do I actually understand what she's so desperately trying to communicate. Seven's metallic eyebrow covering is the most novel thing RC has ever seen.
I Love it! Bless her sharp eyes for detail.
Your daughter's genetic relationship to her aunt has never been more clear.
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