Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, June 19, 2006

Ryanne's clothes

I finally got off my tush and went through the buckets of RC's old clothes to get the neutral stuff out. Ryanne helped.

We talked about them being Baby Ryanne's clothes. I think she recognized some of them from pictures. She kept telling me she was going to wear them and I always insisted that they were too small for her now.

Eventually, she got upset that I wouldn't let her try one on so I decided not to battle that part. She wanted to wear the little bear jacket that Kity and I got for her. We tugged and pulled and got it on.

The cuffs of the sleeves were above her elbow. Her shoulders were pretty securely held back so she couldn't bring her arms together. The waistline was about chest high.

Nevertheless, she was ecstatic and ran off to show Aunt Fyoire. A couple of minutes later, she runs back into my room almost as upset as she was when I wouldn't let her put something on.


We wrangled the jacket back off of her and she decided she didn't need to try anything else on.

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