Yeah...that's what she is. She's a super ham. Last Saturday at Gymboree, we were singing our hello song and we got to the part about waving hello. Ryanne wanders out into the middle of the circle and starts waving her hands up and down and turning in circles. Everyone got a little chuckle out of her.
Tonight, she was chasing Chrys around the kitchen and living room. At first, he was crawling so Ryanne was crawling after him. Chrys stood up and Ryanne stood up. Of course, we realized this after she had done it, but we cracked up.
She skipped a nap today. She woke up a little late. After Gymboree, she usually falls asleep on the way home. She did, but only right as we got home so she woke up when I pulled her out of the car. She didn't sleep again until on the way to lunch. Then, no afternoon nap despite many efforts to find one. Needless to say, she went down quickly at bedtime and I'm honestly feeling lucky that she stayed awake that long. Granted it was no picnic because she was pretty clingy and whiny, but once she started playing with dada, it wasn't too bad.
Her tummy cleared up the day after I stopped drinking OJ so I guess that's what confused her. On the other hand, she's semi-messed up now and we had tomato sauce last night. I guess I'll have to see if I can track down further correlations.
Today at the Disney store, she grabbed a little purse and toted it around the store with her. I count myself lucky that there wasn't too much of a tantrum on her way out. She looked so cute walking around the store with her little clutch.
She's also getting very stable on her feet. She doesn't really crawl all that much anymore. Probably down to less than 10% of the time. Today, she swung by her usual crusing spot between the couch and coffee table. Well, she no longer needs to cruise so she put her hands out and tried walking faster instead - sheesh!
At the Discovery Channel store, she found a toy she really liked. It's by a company that's gone out of business and was on clearance. She would play with the blocks and dance. It was really cute. Well, I tried to drag her away from it to go look at other toys. She wrestled free of my hands and walked back over to that toy - repeatedly. Well, guess what she's getting for Christmas? ;) Now, I just need to decide if it's worth getting the extra cartridges for different music types - mostly for my own sanity - as stocking stuffers or just leave well enough alone. I think they're 50% off at Amazon so I may shop around a bit and see what I can find.
We had quite a scare yesterday. She did her standard walk across the office, pick something up, put it in her mouth, walk back over to me grinning routine. I reached into her mouth thinking she'd found more paper - having dumped the shredder on the floor again that morning. Instead I found one of L'il bro's Strattera. Scared me - lots! The gel was intact so I wasn't worried about her having ingested anything. I yelled at him to wake him up, but I really couldn't think straight enough to figure out how to punish him. The "What if"s on that scenario are just about endless.
I guess the good news is that she's developing habits like coming to see me when she knows she's done something she shouldn't. She hands me stuff off the floor quite a bit. She only really fights if it's something she knows she can have - like a Cheerio this afternoon that she didn't want to give up. She struggles a little on paper. Everything else is remarkably easy to retrieve.
She's also responding to things. She nods yes and no and seems to know the difference between them. She has quite a few commands that she understands, like "give it to me", "come here", "go get". It's getting to be more and more fun to interact with her.
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