Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, September 10, 2004

Out of sorts

Ryanne has been sort of - off - the past few days. She's been very clingy, wants me to hold her hand to go places. She's been sort of whiny. She hasn't played as much. This is very weird for her. Usually, I put her down in the morning and she's gone. She'll check back with me every 30-60 minutes and I can play with her if I want, but she doesn't need me there. She's also had the diarrhea since Sunday and the diaper rash and bumpies. Given all of that, and my strep, I call her ped this morning.

I talked to the nurse and described what had been going on. She asked how her appetite was and I mentioned that R was shovelling Cheerios into her mouth as fast I as put them on the tray. She thinks it's a viral diarrhea plus a yeast diaper rash. Sounds awful, huh? I'm supposed to give R lots of starches, sitz baths 3x a day and use very gentle cleansers on her bum when changing her. I'm also supposed to watch very closely for dehydration (and stay away from juices). If it's still there in 2 weeks, I should call back. Except for the sitz baths, I had already been doing this - go me!

Now, I talked to Chrys last night and had sort of a revelation of my own. I drank 96 oz of orange juice in about 3 days. I do this when I get sick. It's the only time I crave OJ. I love the feel of the acid on my sore throat. I like the taste. It's lots of Vitamin C for my body to combat with. It's goodness...mostly. Usually when I do this, I end up stuck to the toilet from the excess vitamin C. Yesterday it dawned on me that I hadn't had any problems. Yikes - Could Ryanne be getting all of that vitamin C through my milk and be forced to deal with it?

The other thing that occurred to me this morning (when the nurse mentioned yeast diaper rash) was that I had a penicillin shot. Antibiotics usually give me a yeast infection. I noticed the tell-tale itchies yesterday (sorry, TMI). Given that penicillin isn't terribly picky as to what bacteria it attacks, I wonder if she had an allergic reaction and it's been continued with the vit. c and penicillin. Poor baby...all this suffering may be just 'cause mommy is sick.

Lastly, I know the ped here says that diarrhea is never a sign of teething, but there are SO many kids that get messed up tummies when they get teeth, I have to wonder. She's chewing on EVERYTHING (you should see the footboard of our bed). She had a runny nose last week and keeps getting little 99 degree temperatures. Only time will tell. I just hope she feels better soon!

OK...on to happier topics.

Ryanne has taken to shaking her head when I say no. I think she may also be starting to know what she should and shouldn't do. There are times I just have to say her name and she looks at me and shakes her head. I say, "that's right, no." and she stops. She's also starting to pick things up off the floor and instead of putting them in her mouth, as she has for the last 3 months, they get handed to me. Pretty cool stuff!

She's also rediscovering nuks. She decided pretty early on that she wanted nothing to do with a pacifier. Last week, she came crawling/toddling out of the kitchen with one in her mouth. Right now, she's got another one. They were in one of the cabinets she's allowed free reign of, but I still find it funny that they're ok now. She's always liked chewing on them so maybe it's just that. I figure I'll never really know.

I thought there was something else, but I don't have my little cheat sheet with me. I guess I'll just have to write about it later.

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