On to other things
Suddenly, we have a lap baby. She will now pull me into the living room and to one of the floor chairs. Once I sit, she's off to get her Giggle Elmo noise maker (From Grandma G) or a book to show me. She'll sit there for up to 30 minutes so far. It's sort of weird, but I sure love the extra cuddle time.
She's also finally starting to make some new sounds again. Maybe the trip and stress was too much for her, but we had regressed back to everything being "da" which was NO fun for mama and dada. Today we got "urs" when she was after my purse and "own" when she wanted a telephone. We also got "oos" when she reached for dada's tea - had to tell her it wasn't juice and she couldn't have it. It will be very nice not to have everything communicated in whines and pointing.
Chrys had taken to shutting the door to the office when he was with her. It keeps her there where he can see her. Today, I tired of the screaming this caused and brought her toy basket in there - since that's where her toys will eventually end up, anyway. She pulled them out and left them everywhere, but apparently bored of that after a while and started methodically going around the office and putting them away. I was floored, but happily so!
Oh, we saw lots of dogs on our walk today. This was great stuff...she squealed and yelled at them playing, obviously very excited. I can't wait for the cats to get here.
Sunday, October 31, 2004
My precioussssss
Ryanne seems to have developed a rather odd attachment...to my cell phone. Yeah, the brand new one. It's really weird. She will go after my purse and dig in the pocket until she gets it out. Then, she either pulls it to her chest and cuddles in to me with her head on my shoulder or pulls it open (delighting at the noise) and pretends to talk on it. It's the cuddling it to my chest that I think is a little odd. Oh well...I guess it's just a harbinger of things to come.
Oh...and if I take it away...I get this
Photo courtesy of the new, nifty phone...
Told you she was mastering the temper tantrum.
Oh...and if I take it away...I get this

Photo courtesy of the new, nifty phone...
Told you she was mastering the temper tantrum.
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Queen of the Temper Tantrum
Yeah...that's right. In the past month, my daughter has truly perfected the art of the temper tantrum. She can throw them any time, any place over ANY little thing. Sometimes it's a book she's playing with, sometimes it's a basket she picked up, sometimes it's just being tired of riding in the cart or the car seat. She will wail and holler and CRY little tears down her cheeks. Like she's doing right now...it's bedtime and she knows it and she's exhausted, but she's going to fight this with every last fiber of her little being. Chrys is being a champ...he's in there rocking her, holding her, singing to her, trying to calm her down. I hate that she does it. I hope to one day become immune to these so I don't cave and let her have whatever just to keep her from crying, but it's SO hard...so very hard.
In the meantime, we've finally found a place for her to sleep where we ALL can get some sleep. We pulled up the extra more firm bottom half of a small (twin) size futon and she sleeps on that pulled up to our bigger futon. It gives her plenty of room to thrash about; me plenty of room to roll around and she can (and does) still crawl up to cuddle with me or nurse when she needs it. She ends up in some pretty funny positions, all of which make me VERY happy she has her own space, but I love having her so close. It's going to be hard to give that up in a year, but maybe we'll all be ready.
Another thing she seems to be loving more and more is 'bonk'ing her head into things...most notably our heads. She just cracks up. She'll smack her head into the wall, the door, the glass, the car seat, the table, the chair, my nose, my forehead, my chest...whatever. Then she'll just giggle. Sometimes I wonder if she's all there...
She got some new things on her birthday. None of them were tangible as our boxes still haven't arrived from customs. (They have all of our forms so it's just a matter of time.) She got to take her diaper off in the morning...then she beat on the door of the potty and ended up doing a pretty good job of going #1. I was very proud. She got to play in the tub (with mommy's water level that allows for more toy play) for an extra bit of time while mama showered. She even got to eat the fruit gels that are popular here. She really liked the peach, but did alright with the Lychee if I ate the fruit chunk out of them.
I guess I did get her one item...a little plastic red chair that I found for 198¥ at the San-ai. I was hoping that would put an end to her dragging around (and pulling over) our kitchen chairs. It has certainly reduced the frequency, though not eliminated. I guess I should take what I can get and be happy, though.
In the meantime, we've finally found a place for her to sleep where we ALL can get some sleep. We pulled up the extra more firm bottom half of a small (twin) size futon and she sleeps on that pulled up to our bigger futon. It gives her plenty of room to thrash about; me plenty of room to roll around and she can (and does) still crawl up to cuddle with me or nurse when she needs it. She ends up in some pretty funny positions, all of which make me VERY happy she has her own space, but I love having her so close. It's going to be hard to give that up in a year, but maybe we'll all be ready.
Another thing she seems to be loving more and more is 'bonk'ing her head into things...most notably our heads. She just cracks up. She'll smack her head into the wall, the door, the glass, the car seat, the table, the chair, my nose, my forehead, my chest...whatever. Then she'll just giggle. Sometimes I wonder if she's all there...
She got some new things on her birthday. None of them were tangible as our boxes still haven't arrived from customs. (They have all of our forms so it's just a matter of time.) She got to take her diaper off in the morning...then she beat on the door of the potty and ended up doing a pretty good job of going #1. I was very proud. She got to play in the tub (with mommy's water level that allows for more toy play) for an extra bit of time while mama showered. She even got to eat the fruit gels that are popular here. She really liked the peach, but did alright with the Lychee if I ate the fruit chunk out of them.
I guess I did get her one item...a little plastic red chair that I found for 198¥ at the San-ai. I was hoping that would put an end to her dragging around (and pulling over) our kitchen chairs. It has certainly reduced the frequency, though not eliminated. I guess I should take what I can get and be happy, though.
Thursday, October 28, 2004
One year!
Well, here in Isahaya, it's October 29 10:41am. My baby girl is one.
It's hard to believe it's been a year that she's been in my life. A year that my job has been making sure she's happy and well-rounded. A year that I have been just overjoyed to have another being in my life.
One year...wow! She's changed so much, but that's what this journal is all about...to record those changes so I can look back and remember when she couldn't walk, she couldn't "say" anything, she could barely open her eyes. Just amazing.
One year...that magic date when the SIDS risk drops to 0%, when she can suddenly face forward in her car seat, when she becomes labelled as a toddler. It means a lot.
Another post later on various updates...for now, Happy Birthday, little one! Mama loves you very, very much.
It's hard to believe it's been a year that she's been in my life. A year that my job has been making sure she's happy and well-rounded. A year that I have been just overjoyed to have another being in my life.
One year...wow! She's changed so much, but that's what this journal is all about...to record those changes so I can look back and remember when she couldn't walk, she couldn't "say" anything, she could barely open her eyes. Just amazing.
One year...that magic date when the SIDS risk drops to 0%, when she can suddenly face forward in her car seat, when she becomes labelled as a toddler. It means a lot.
Another post later on various updates...for now, Happy Birthday, little one! Mama loves you very, very much.
Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Uh oh
Ryanne's favorite phrase. It gets said when she really does something on accident or any time she throws something on the ground. Sometimes I think she drops stuff just so she can say it. Cracks me up. She has the cutest little girl voice when she does it, too. "Uh oooooh" I'll have to see if I can record it one day...did I bring the voice recorder with me? Probably not.
Last night marked her first night of almost normal sleep. She woke twice, but didn't struggle going back to sleep from about 7:30pm to 7am. Beautiful stuff! We're going to have to work again on night weaning since she's back to waking around 1am, but I think we can handle that...somehow...with her right there in bed... Why do we complicate these things?
Last night marked her first night of almost normal sleep. She woke twice, but didn't struggle going back to sleep from about 7:30pm to 7am. Beautiful stuff! We're going to have to work again on night weaning since she's back to waking around 1am, but I think we can handle that...somehow...with her right there in bed... Why do we complicate these things?
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Ants and steps
I completely forgot...RC learned about ants our last day in Texas. I was running things out to the car to do the last of my errands and she followed me out the door as normal. Well, I didn't see her stop and start playing with the flowerbeds. Next thing I know, l'il bro yells that she's covered in ants. She apparently put her finger right into an ant hill and they swarmed over her. I ran her inside (stupidly) and started ripping clothes off as they were crawling. Got her down to her bare bum and wiped the last few off. Then, I put a diaper back on her and had bro watch her (off the floor, away from the ants I brought inside) while I beat the last of the ants out of her clothes and shoes.
I was worried they were fire ants since I've never seen normal ants swarm like that so I called the ped. She talked me through the scenario and we decided they were just regular ants that had pinched her skin. She had about a dozen and a half bites up her hands and arms. At this point, they've blistered, popped, scabbed and scarred. Someday, when she wonders why she has little scars all over her hands and fore arms...I can point her here. *sigh*
On a more interesting front...she's getting quite good at little steps. Our new apartment is riddled with steps to each room. The tatami rooms are 2-3 inches high. The rest are about a 1" threshold. Ryanne's already getting better at negotiating the thresholds and I figure she'll master the tatami rooms without hanging on for dear life in the near future.
I was worried they were fire ants since I've never seen normal ants swarm like that so I called the ped. She talked me through the scenario and we decided they were just regular ants that had pinched her skin. She had about a dozen and a half bites up her hands and arms. At this point, they've blistered, popped, scabbed and scarred. Someday, when she wonders why she has little scars all over her hands and fore arms...I can point her here. *sigh*
On a more interesting front...she's getting quite good at little steps. Our new apartment is riddled with steps to each room. The tatami rooms are 2-3 inches high. The rest are about a 1" threshold. Ryanne's already getting better at negotiating the thresholds and I figure she'll master the tatami rooms without hanging on for dear life in the near future.
Little crank
Ryanne's been cranky. It started the day before our plane ride to Phoenix when she got the sniffles and continues now. I don't know if it's the sniffles - which she always seems to get right before we fly...how does she know?? - or the teeth or what! She cries in the car, she cries at the apartment, she cries in the store...she's happy only when asleep and those periods feel all too brief.
Thankfully, we seem to have stopped at 2 teeth for now, but I think more are on the horizon. She's still gumming and gnawing on everything in sight.
Earlier this week, I tired of her constantly pulling my shirt up trying to get milk so I encouraged her to sign again. Now, she will very readily sign "milk" with both hands when she wants to nurse. Now, it seems like she's nursing more and that may be because she can communicate it or because she's not feeling her best. Today, she started putting her hand to her mouth, similar to the sign for "eat", whenever I asked if she wanted to eat. I'm going to take this opportunity to really encourage the signing and help her communicate. Her verbal progression has slowed some...most everything is back to sounding like "da" and I don't know if I'm just too tired to figure it out or she's not trying as much so I'm hoping the sign will help us both out.
She's sleeping with us, in typical Japanese fashion. We haven't yet decided whether or not this will continue once her playpen/crib gets here. Right now, she's still waking fairly often and, with me right there next to her, she wants her milk. I don't quite know how to deal with that with her in bed with us and, wouldn't you know it, I left the sleep book in Texas. *sigh*
There are some advantages to sleeping like this. Despite the night wakings, I'm asleep more. I don't have to listen to her cry from the next room while Chrys puts her back to sleep. I fall asleep while she nurses so I'm not waiting up while he puts her down. I think I might be better rested, but that's not the primary concern.
One disadvantage is that, since we have a futon, she can get in and out of bed as she pleases. The good news is that when she falls out of the bed (since it's still just a double) I don't worry about her...it's only a few inches. The bad news is that when she doesn't want to go to sleep, it's very hard to constrain her. We'll see how this pans out.
Another nice thing about Japan is that it's very child friendly. Ryanne LOVES to wave at everyone (and is doing so much more often) and most people will happily smile and wave back which only encourages her. She gets lots of extra attention...partly from being a baby and partly because they seem especially attracted to American babies.
One downside is that, despite their love of babies, baby things are insanely expensive. Like an idiot, I left the plug protectors in Texas and recently found out that they're about ¥800 for 4 (about $8), instead of $6 for 36 like I got at Target. Well, I know one thing that's on the list of things to grab at Christmas! On the flip side, I found door pinch guards in 2 packs at the ¥100 store...
For now, sleep calls (and the need to start the Japan blog) so I'll quit while I'm ahead.
Thankfully, we seem to have stopped at 2 teeth for now, but I think more are on the horizon. She's still gumming and gnawing on everything in sight.
Earlier this week, I tired of her constantly pulling my shirt up trying to get milk so I encouraged her to sign again. Now, she will very readily sign "milk" with both hands when she wants to nurse. Now, it seems like she's nursing more and that may be because she can communicate it or because she's not feeling her best. Today, she started putting her hand to her mouth, similar to the sign for "eat", whenever I asked if she wanted to eat. I'm going to take this opportunity to really encourage the signing and help her communicate. Her verbal progression has slowed some...most everything is back to sounding like "da" and I don't know if I'm just too tired to figure it out or she's not trying as much so I'm hoping the sign will help us both out.
She's sleeping with us, in typical Japanese fashion. We haven't yet decided whether or not this will continue once her playpen/crib gets here. Right now, she's still waking fairly often and, with me right there next to her, she wants her milk. I don't quite know how to deal with that with her in bed with us and, wouldn't you know it, I left the sleep book in Texas. *sigh*
There are some advantages to sleeping like this. Despite the night wakings, I'm asleep more. I don't have to listen to her cry from the next room while Chrys puts her back to sleep. I fall asleep while she nurses so I'm not waiting up while he puts her down. I think I might be better rested, but that's not the primary concern.
One disadvantage is that, since we have a futon, she can get in and out of bed as she pleases. The good news is that when she falls out of the bed (since it's still just a double) I don't worry about her...it's only a few inches. The bad news is that when she doesn't want to go to sleep, it's very hard to constrain her. We'll see how this pans out.
Another nice thing about Japan is that it's very child friendly. Ryanne LOVES to wave at everyone (and is doing so much more often) and most people will happily smile and wave back which only encourages her. She gets lots of extra attention...partly from being a baby and partly because they seem especially attracted to American babies.
One downside is that, despite their love of babies, baby things are insanely expensive. Like an idiot, I left the plug protectors in Texas and recently found out that they're about ¥800 for 4 (about $8), instead of $6 for 36 like I got at Target. Well, I know one thing that's on the list of things to grab at Christmas! On the flip side, I found door pinch guards in 2 packs at the ¥100 store...
For now, sleep calls (and the need to start the Japan blog) so I'll quit while I'm ahead.
Saturday, October 23, 2004
New teef and long plane rides
Ryanne has cut two new teeth in the past week. One was on the flight from San Francisco to Tokyo and the other was the first night we were in Nagasaki. Luckily, it seems to have made very little difference in her personality on those flights.
Tokyo...yeah, I said Tokyo. We're here, in Isahaya, now. It's nice. It's very different and I certainly feel like the village idiot most days, but Ryanne is quite the star. The Japanese seem to just adore her - cute, American baby...hmm...imagine that?!
Ryanne did beautifully on the flights here. The flight to Tokyo she spent a lot of time running up and down the aisles. Since IBM sprung for business class for us, this wasn't as difficult as it might sound. The rest she watched some Disney channel and slept.
The first night in Tokyo, she was very cranky, but we ended up making her stay up until 7ish. She woke for the day at 2am. We were quite awake, too, so we didn't struggle with her.
The next day was our flight to Nagasaki...it was delayed by the typhoons. Ryanne wearied of the airport after a few hours and then fell asleep on the plane. We gave up on dinner and crashed as soon as we hit the hotel. She woke up at 3am and we wrestled her back down until closer to 6.
The next day, we got to the apartment and looked around. Ryanne and I went to the department store down the street and got lunch while Chrys got the lease signed, etc. More adoring baby fans were there to greet us. She ended up going down after a quick dinner at the hotel restaurant and, after the 3am wrestling match, was alseep until 6 or 7, I think.
Mercifully, last night, we had dinner with some American friends here in Isahaya and then crashed at our place around 8p. Ryanne woke at 6am and we just let her get up. I think the sleeping transition is almost complete!
I will post more details on our adventure in a new journal...the link when I get time. I want to try to keep this one pretty Ryanne specific.
P.S. Watch for a post before this one very soon. I have quite a bit drafted, but haven't had a chance to finish it out...
Tokyo...yeah, I said Tokyo. We're here, in Isahaya, now. It's nice. It's very different and I certainly feel like the village idiot most days, but Ryanne is quite the star. The Japanese seem to just adore her - cute, American baby...hmm...imagine that?!
Ryanne did beautifully on the flights here. The flight to Tokyo she spent a lot of time running up and down the aisles. Since IBM sprung for business class for us, this wasn't as difficult as it might sound. The rest she watched some Disney channel and slept.
The first night in Tokyo, she was very cranky, but we ended up making her stay up until 7ish. She woke for the day at 2am. We were quite awake, too, so we didn't struggle with her.
The next day was our flight to Nagasaki...it was delayed by the typhoons. Ryanne wearied of the airport after a few hours and then fell asleep on the plane. We gave up on dinner and crashed as soon as we hit the hotel. She woke up at 3am and we wrestled her back down until closer to 6.
The next day, we got to the apartment and looked around. Ryanne and I went to the department store down the street and got lunch while Chrys got the lease signed, etc. More adoring baby fans were there to greet us. She ended up going down after a quick dinner at the hotel restaurant and, after the 3am wrestling match, was alseep until 6 or 7, I think.
Mercifully, last night, we had dinner with some American friends here in Isahaya and then crashed at our place around 8p. Ryanne woke at 6am and we just let her get up. I think the sleeping transition is almost complete!
I will post more details on our adventure in a new journal...the link when I get time. I want to try to keep this one pretty Ryanne specific.
P.S. Watch for a post before this one very soon. I have quite a bit drafted, but haven't had a chance to finish it out...
Thursday, October 14, 2004
New words...more b-day stuff
So, back to Ryanne's birthday...
She had a new word of the day - Wooooooowwwwww - whenever she did, well, anything. It was very cool to have her open presents, see her cake, play with a toy and "woooooowwwwww".
Speaking of opening presents, that process took about 2 hours. We broke it up with lunch - hamburgers, hot dogs, tater tots - and cake.
The cake she wasn't too impressed with. I think she was getting kind of tired. She ran a hand through the cake, beat on it, smeared the fork I gave her (hoping that would help her eat and alleviate some of the sliminess) in it, and ate absolutely none of it. Oh well...so much for that.
That night, we went to the Light the Night walk. She waved and enjoyed the balloons, especially when they were lit. Then, she slept on and off through the walk. The sleep was fitful because of the constantly changing noise and lighting, but she wasn't too cranky. It was a good evening.
That Sunday, we went to the Big Event at church. Basically, it was a church fair thing. They had a petting zoo that Ryanne was pretty interested in. She liked to watch the various animals, but didn't really want to get down and play with or touch them. She would squeal - this little girl squeal - whenever one of them brushed up against her legs. It was pretty cute to watch. They also had a pony ride. We weren't sure they would let her since she's so small, but they had me walk alongside her. She liked it...or was generally not upset by it, which some days is really all I can ask for.
Her last day of Gymboree, she decided she wanted to kiss another boy. She and Andrew had an on again, off again relationship for most of our visits. They would steal phones and balls from each other and occasionally share. It was amicable. Well...Andrew just learned to walk, but happened to be down on the floor trying to get a toy. Ryanne walked over to him, lifted up his head (at which point he went rather limp) and planted a big kiss on his lips. Poor little guy got a little teary - why does she have this effect on boys? - and went to his mama. Ryanne was a bit upset by this, but ready to continue playing. The other mom and I looked at each other and just had to laugh.
Other things...she's started looking for dada in bed on weekdays and getting very excited when she finds him on weekends. She crawls over me and starts saying his name.
She's also decided she likes to give me hugs. If I squat down and hold my arms out, she'll come over to me (with her arms out) and give me a big hug. Great stuff!
She's also becoming quite the little mimic. She pulled a strand of my hair the other day and when I said "OW", she laughed and started saying "Owwwwww". Squirt!
The other thing I really have to comment on is how great she's been in the car these last days as we prepare to go to Japan. We've done a TON of driving around town and she's been very content to sit back and chill, play with toys, watch out the window, whatever. She's been to doctor's offices with no issue and many, MANY stores. In and out of the car and very few complaints. I am one very lucky mama.
She had a new word of the day - Wooooooowwwwww - whenever she did, well, anything. It was very cool to have her open presents, see her cake, play with a toy and "woooooowwwwww".
Speaking of opening presents, that process took about 2 hours. We broke it up with lunch - hamburgers, hot dogs, tater tots - and cake.
The cake she wasn't too impressed with. I think she was getting kind of tired. She ran a hand through the cake, beat on it, smeared the fork I gave her (hoping that would help her eat and alleviate some of the sliminess) in it, and ate absolutely none of it. Oh well...so much for that.
That night, we went to the Light the Night walk. She waved and enjoyed the balloons, especially when they were lit. Then, she slept on and off through the walk. The sleep was fitful because of the constantly changing noise and lighting, but she wasn't too cranky. It was a good evening.
That Sunday, we went to the Big Event at church. Basically, it was a church fair thing. They had a petting zoo that Ryanne was pretty interested in. She liked to watch the various animals, but didn't really want to get down and play with or touch them. She would squeal - this little girl squeal - whenever one of them brushed up against her legs. It was pretty cute to watch. They also had a pony ride. We weren't sure they would let her since she's so small, but they had me walk alongside her. She liked it...or was generally not upset by it, which some days is really all I can ask for.
Her last day of Gymboree, she decided she wanted to kiss another boy. She and Andrew had an on again, off again relationship for most of our visits. They would steal phones and balls from each other and occasionally share. It was amicable. Well...Andrew just learned to walk, but happened to be down on the floor trying to get a toy. Ryanne walked over to him, lifted up his head (at which point he went rather limp) and planted a big kiss on his lips. Poor little guy got a little teary - why does she have this effect on boys? - and went to his mama. Ryanne was a bit upset by this, but ready to continue playing. The other mom and I looked at each other and just had to laugh.
Other things...she's started looking for dada in bed on weekdays and getting very excited when she finds him on weekends. She crawls over me and starts saying his name.
She's also decided she likes to give me hugs. If I squat down and hold my arms out, she'll come over to me (with her arms out) and give me a big hug. Great stuff!
She's also becoming quite the little mimic. She pulled a strand of my hair the other day and when I said "OW", she laughed and started saying "Owwwwww". Squirt!
The other thing I really have to comment on is how great she's been in the car these last days as we prepare to go to Japan. We've done a TON of driving around town and she's been very content to sit back and chill, play with toys, watch out the window, whatever. She's been to doctor's offices with no issue and many, MANY stores. In and out of the car and very few complaints. I am one very lucky mama.
Saturday, October 09, 2004
1st party
We had RC's first birthday party today. It was a great time for all, I think. I wanted to quickly record what she got so I can write thank you notes...
Weebles, Kitty Texture book, Tweety slippers - J&JM
Precious Moments 1, Somebody in TX loves me T - L&TH
Care Bears Piano & Phone - AD & S
Going to Gmas T - AW
Dress & Baby Einstein Cards - H,M&SL
Chicken Dance Elmo - LF
Quack and Flap Duck - Mama and Dada
Cash - LM
Hugs & Kisses Blanket - L&JW
Now, I need to make sure that L'il Bro gets the Jack in Box that he wants for her. I'm also still debating going back to Target to get a wagon so the movers can take it to Japan. So much to do in the next week...it's insane!
Weebles, Kitty Texture book, Tweety slippers - J&JM
Precious Moments 1, Somebody in TX loves me T - L&TH
Care Bears Piano & Phone - AD & S
Going to Gmas T - AW
Dress & Baby Einstein Cards - H,M&SL
Chicken Dance Elmo - LF
Quack and Flap Duck - Mama and Dada
Cash - LM
Hugs & Kisses Blanket - L&JW
Now, I need to make sure that L'il Bro gets the Jack in Box that he wants for her. I'm also still debating going back to Target to get a wagon so the movers can take it to Japan. So much to do in the next week...it's insane!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
What a girl wants
Ryanne just walked up to me, grabbed my hand and dragged me to the fridge. I tried to think of why she would want to go to the fridge since most of her food comes from the pantry. Then it dawned on me...water comes from the fridge. I gave her a glass of water and she's happy as a lark. She even stopped trying to crawl up on L'il bro's desk - likely looking for his glass of water that usually sits up there.
Of course, 5 minutes later she did it again so who knows what it is she's trying to tell me. I guess this part will stay a mystery.
Of course, 5 minutes later she did it again so who knows what it is she's trying to tell me. I guess this part will stay a mystery.
Saturday, October 02, 2004
For a while now, Chrys had noticed that R always seemed to go to the bathroom while he ran her tub water. In the past few weeks, he'd put her at the end of the baby tub (in the big tub) and she'd squat down and go. Once he started doing that, I realized that she'd frequently reach down and grab her diaper in the middle of the day and I'd notice it was wet afterward, if I remembered to check. Well, all of this combined and I ended up getting her a little toilet seat that sits on top of ours. It's bolted down so we just have to flip up one more thing when we go. Chrys has been putting her on it before her bath and I've put her on it once or twice in the morning. I think she frequently goes #1 on it and thinks nothing of it. Well, tonight, she decided that she needed to go #2, and did - on the potty!! This was much better than her holding it and going in the tub like she did on me. We were pretty excited and have a couple of cute gratuitous baby on the potty shots that I'll have to get linked - someday.
Also, Ryanne and I have done our part for breast cancer today. We took a shot for the blogger boobiethon. Can you find us? If you do, why not donate a few dollars to the Komen foundation?
Also, Ryanne and I have done our part for breast cancer today. We took a shot for the blogger boobiethon. Can you find us? If you do, why not donate a few dollars to the Komen foundation?
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