Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 14, 2004

New words...more b-day stuff

So, back to Ryanne's birthday...

She had a new word of the day - Wooooooowwwwww - whenever she did, well, anything. It was very cool to have her open presents, see her cake, play with a toy and "woooooowwwwww".

Speaking of opening presents, that process took about 2 hours. We broke it up with lunch - hamburgers, hot dogs, tater tots - and cake.

The cake she wasn't too impressed with. I think she was getting kind of tired. She ran a hand through the cake, beat on it, smeared the fork I gave her (hoping that would help her eat and alleviate some of the sliminess) in it, and ate absolutely none of it. Oh much for that.

That night, we went to the Light the Night walk. She waved and enjoyed the balloons, especially when they were lit. Then, she slept on and off through the walk. The sleep was fitful because of the constantly changing noise and lighting, but she wasn't too cranky. It was a good evening.

That Sunday, we went to the Big Event at church. Basically, it was a church fair thing. They had a petting zoo that Ryanne was pretty interested in. She liked to watch the various animals, but didn't really want to get down and play with or touch them. She would squeal - this little girl squeal - whenever one of them brushed up against her legs. It was pretty cute to watch. They also had a pony ride. We weren't sure they would let her since she's so small, but they had me walk alongside her. She liked it...or was generally not upset by it, which some days is really all I can ask for.

Her last day of Gymboree, she decided she wanted to kiss another boy. She and Andrew had an on again, off again relationship for most of our visits. They would steal phones and balls from each other and occasionally share. It was amicable. Well...Andrew just learned to walk, but happened to be down on the floor trying to get a toy. Ryanne walked over to him, lifted up his head (at which point he went rather limp) and planted a big kiss on his lips. Poor little guy got a little teary - why does she have this effect on boys? - and went to his mama. Ryanne was a bit upset by this, but ready to continue playing. The other mom and I looked at each other and just had to laugh.

Other things...she's started looking for dada in bed on weekdays and getting very excited when she finds him on weekends. She crawls over me and starts saying his name.

She's also decided she likes to give me hugs. If I squat down and hold my arms out, she'll come over to me (with her arms out) and give me a big hug. Great stuff!

She's also becoming quite the little mimic. She pulled a strand of my hair the other day and when I said "OW", she laughed and started saying "Owwwwww". Squirt!

The other thing I really have to comment on is how great she's been in the car these last days as we prepare to go to Japan. We've done a TON of driving around town and she's been very content to sit back and chill, play with toys, watch out the window, whatever. She's been to doctor's offices with no issue and many, MANY stores. In and out of the car and very few complaints. I am one very lucky mama.

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