Ryanne moved to a "big girl" bed two-three weeks ago. She's sleeping on a futon on the floor in her old room and the PnP is put away. Bedtime goes wonderfully. Naps are a nightmare. It started the first few days of just moving later and later.
Now, she won't nap at all ... until we get in the car to go get her daddy. Then she's out like a light. She times it well and passes out about 5 minutes before we pick him up. This gives Chrys and I about 40 minutes of time in the car to just sit and chat. It's nice. I appreciate it.
On the other hand, I really miss my 1-2 hours of uninterrupted me time. For a couple of days I got her to play in her room for about 30 minutes so I could just veg and relax. These days I can't even seem to get that. Maybe I just need to try harder. The 'sanity meter' in my head says I need to try harder.
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