Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Finally...some inkling that this is our child! She has really gotten into her Lego blocks recently. Chrys and I are Lego freaks, shall we say. Ryanne loves to "help" us build stuff with her little set. Of course, right now, her favorite thing is to sit on whatever I build when it's done. I think I started this by first building a slide. She could sort of slide down it and thought that was cooler than letting her little Pooh doll slide down it. Today, I built a chicken...she sat on it. *sigh*

The slide is her favorite thing at the park. There's one that has a central stair that goes to two slides. She loves it. She can easily climb the ladder and then gets to pick which side she goes down. This is no baby slide, either. She's a daredevil!

She is currently obsessed with facial features. Eyes, especially. Unfortunately, this means we get poked in the eye a lot. Oh well, at least she can identify features - eyes, nose, mouth, ears are reliable.

She has a couple of new animal noises - elephant (hand to the nose and raspberry) and pig (oi oi oi). She still gets birds and fish confused sometimes.

We went yesterday to preview a swim class. We have our trial lesson tomorrow and then may sign up for 4-8 sessions in the next month. They've got a good deal going on them for the month of May. Not sure if we'll continue after that. I guess it depends on when the pool across the street opens up.

We got some new family & friends pictures for her picture book. I put them in there last night. She is obsessed with her aunt Fyoire. She grabs the book and starts saying her (real) name - very clearly. She opens to the right picture. Then, she usually beeps her nose. She has also attempted the Cap'n's name. She beeps MK's nose. Others, she looks at, but those she's picked out for now. She has another book with grandmas and grandpas in it that she loves. Of course, she likes to identify her dada in those.

We've also entered the era of seemingly constant skinned knees. This led to her learning "owie" and wanting mehcine (no di yet) and banays (band-aids) on all of them. We target the freshest and get them treated each night before bed. She hasn't had a new on in a couple of days, but it's been a couple of days since we went to the park. This summer should be fun. She'll either get more careful or we'll need to invest in Neosporin and Band-aid.

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