Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Return of face plant

I almost forgot...she's been falling a lot lately. Mostly carelessness on her part. She gets running and her feet just seem to get tangled up. When she was learning to crawl, she would push herself up on her hands and then fall forward - face plant - to move so I dubbed her such. I think I'm going to revive that nickname.

Yesterday, she decided she could take one of the big hills at the park by herself. Going down. She started down ok. Picked up some speed. Ended up running. Got going really fast. Splat! Next thing I know, she's gotten away from me and is face down, sliding the rest of the way down the hill. She only went a few inches, in reality. She was SO close to the bottom. She's got some little scrapes from her forehead to her cheek. They're nothing big.

She also thinks she's VERY tall. She wants to take the stairs on the slide two at a time. Mind you, these stairs are each about half her height. This weekend, she missed and almost went down them backwards. I caught her before she even finished slipping, though.

Ironically, Chrys and I had just been discussing when we would be able to just let her go running through the park and not worry about her. We decided it would probably never happen because we'd worry about something. After she slipped, I told him it certainly wasn't today, or anytime soon. She has no concept of her limitations - what 1 year old does? - and I'd hate for something to happen. I see moms with little kids not much older than she that just let them run while they sit on the sidelines. I'm too worried about her falling and really hurting herself. Maybe it's because she's fallen some that I worry more. I'm just not that cavalier about her safety, though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're a super mommy!
Love and hugs from your mom