So many things I've been meaning to write about so here goes...
Ryanne says her name. She's either "eye-yah" or "eye-c". We're not 100% sure that she completely associates these words as her, but she has shown the ability to do 'roll call' - dada, mama, do itoe, eyec - so she's got some understanding of herself and who should be there.
The snapping alligator is now associated with her denim jacket (from Grandma G, remember buying that SO long ago?). We have always zipped her winter coats and now that she's in that one, it must be sealed for her to be comfortable. Well, I started asking her if she wanted it snapped when she'd go ballistic on the way out the door. After watching the video again (and again and again...) she knows that the alligator goes "snap, snap" so she now reaches her arms out and snaps when she wants her jacket closed. Pretty clever and much nicer than the fit.
She got a tricycle on Sunday (yikes...such a big girl). She can just reach the pedals, but not if she steers too hard right or left. It's got a little basket that she started putting things in immediately (blocks on Sunday). It has a handle on the rear that can steer the front with little effort. The front pedals can lock for pedal action or be free for us to just push her without worrying about her feet getting tangled up. The whole thing folds up nice and tidy so it sits in the corner of our entry way, easy to get to. We 'rode' to the park on Sunday afternoon and she had fun. She wanted to push it home, but it kept getting away from her (and both would hit the ground) so dada pulled it and I carried the big girl.
She had a rash of two word sentences at the park on Friday. She said "bye bye do(g)", "bye bye chay-uh (swing)", "chay-uh sit (to get into the swing)". That was more than we'd heard out of her in a long time. They were largely unprovoked. We've heard one more bye bye (object) since, but that's it. Amazing to hear the language develop.
She now sleeps (shhhhhh...) from 7:30 to about 6 every day. When she wakes up for the day, she just stands up and calls "mama". One day, I didn't go get her immediately. She yelled "mama" over and over. Eventually, progressed to "dada" for a bit, then alternating mama and dada. After those got no response, she threw in a "do itoe" and then quickly went back to "mama". I guess she decided that her uncle wasn't a valid choice after all.
She has also developed quite an attachment to her Elmo in the past couple of days. Saturday night, she kept waking up so I brought her to bed with me around 4:30 just so we could sleep. When we got to bed, she asked about "nyelno". I told her "mama had her. Elmo was still sleeping in her bed and everything would be fine". She calmed down and eventually fell asleep. Now, when she gets up in the morning, I go in to get her and she bends down to get Elmo before reaching her arms up to be picked up. Guess I know where I rank. She's also pretty attached to her Elmo phone in the car and it's hard to get her to leave it behind these days.
Lastly, I think (because it's late), she's developing an infatuation with shoes. She loves to get my shoes, put them on and try to walk around the house. She does this pretty much daily. Well, she also will go and get her nice shoes that we bought for her Cinderella dress. I think she likes the noise they make. She'll bring them in, want to put them on and then will run (clomping) throught the tiled areas of the house giggling like a mad woman. It's quite the racket. On Sunday, it was warmer than it had been, too. She was in her tennis shoes and sweating tons. She kept pulling her shoes and socks off, even wanted them off to eat lunch - yikes! I suggested we get her sandals if we could find some. They didn't have much of a selection, but she went nuts over all of the "sues" we looked at. We ended up with this garish pair of blue foamy sandals with writing and some little character on them. They are obviously Japanese...obviously. She was happy, though.
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