Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, August 17, 2004


Ryanne has discovered that she can shake her head "no". She loves to do this. It has no meaning, but she laughs lots when I say, "No?" Then she laughs more when I nod my head in response and say, "Yes!" I tell you, every step gets a little more fun as she develops more of her own personality.

We've been trying to teach her the signs for more and done so that we could understand the cries at mealtime. She may be starting to sign done. She puts her hands up by her shoulders and waves when I start taking the tray away. That or she claps...I guess the meal must have been good! :) I guess it makes sense that she claps since I clap when she does something good and if she's done, my getting the tray out of the way would be good.

Chrys was playing with her last night. For lack of a better name to call it, it was fetch. He would roll the ball across the floor and she would chase it and then he'd say, "Bring the ball to dada," and she'd grab it and crawl back over to him (most of the time). Sometimes she'd get this devilish little grin on her face and crawl away. When he'd roll it without her noticing, he could say, "Where's the ball?" and she'd start looking around until she laid eyes on it. It amazes me the words she's starting to understand, even if she can't find the way to say them all.

Another thing we observed on Thursday night after our dinner at Cheesecake Factory was that she may talk in her sleep. She was sitting in the car seat as we drove home, and we thought she was sleeping. It sounded sort of like she was carrying on a little conversation, though. She would babble and change the tones of her voice and everything. Very interesting and I almost hope she does it again just so I know I'm not imagining things.

She was up every 2 hours or so last night. We aren't really sure why, but there were lots of yesterdays lunch time beans in her diaper this morning so I almost suspect it was some severe gas. I think she ate most of Chrys' portion of black beans at the Mexican restaurant. Stomach the size of her fist - HA!

Lastly, the cats apparently don't hate her as much as they thought. I just got some quick videos of her playing with one of their toys. They were FASCINATED by her and came very close to her. She had bunches of fun!

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