Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, August 27, 2004


Today Ryanne was trying to get into a pile of papers on the end table and I told her "no". She looked at me and said "yash" and went back to doing it. Eventually she stopped, but GOSH, I had no idea this would start this soon. I just got my first book about dealing with toddler behavior in the mail, though. I guess I better start reading.

Right now, she's playing catch with one of the cats on the stairs. I throw the ball up the stairs, Spot bats it back down, Ryanne gets it from behind the gate and hands it to me - Repeat! I think all 3 of us are having fun. Ryanne is also learning about how to pick up the big object through the gate bars and not get her hand stuck. She's also realizing that the gate is sturdy enough that she can pull herself up and not have to balance on the step to avoid falling so she just ends up hanging there - Monkey!

Earlier, she was playing fetch with herself. She'd get a ball, roll it across the floor, crawl to catch it and roll it again. It's so funny watching her entertain herself. She already comes up with little games - amazing to watch the creativity develop.

Well, she just moved on to eating bits of carpet off the scratching post again. Off I go to stop that. :)

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