Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, February 07, 2005


Oh yes, it's that stage. The one where not only does she get into everything and get told "no" or redirected a lot, but she knows how to say it back. So far, her "No!" is pretty cute - "nooooo" - but I know that won't last, especially as she realizes its power.

New things - she says "eh-o" and waves her hand (as she's doing now, addressing her adoring public). She pointed at the yellow stripe on my sweater yesterday and said "nana" and then said "eh-lo" as I corrected her. She can eat a banana by herself with the peel on (she needs help getting the peel down, but likes that it makes it less slimy to hold). She still eats a banana a day. She says "datsit" when she's done eating and takes (or tries to, depending on the velcro) her bib off. She correctly identifies any "baby", including herself in the group for now. She plays with her puppet book (and took the hot pads off our dinners last night and used them as finger puppets like the ones in there). She bobs her head at people when we greet them with "konnichi wa". She says something that sounds like "kawaii" (cute, which she hears a lot). She's working on numbers and will hold up one finger, say "un" and then do something (usually 'jumping' off the futon onto mama). She identifies these little plastic figures that came with Coke at Xmas as "do" (dolls) and asks for them even though they're up on a shelf so she can't play with them unattended. She asks for "teshun" at about the same time every morning and gets very excited about 2 segments (one a woman that does a bit of a dance as different animals or elements and the other a guy that does a bunch of hand gestures with a big group of kids). She said "DD" and "boo" the other day when we went to watch one of her Blue's Clues DVDs. She now identifies all of our cats as "in-ee" and wants to give them treats (which she points at on the top of the bookcase) every day. She has given the cats treats - Minuit and Preta took them straight from her hand, the other 3 she had to throw the treat at them. She can now open the freezer door and get her own "eyesh", but can't remember to close it. She starts doing the chicken dance whenever anyone says chicken - this is particularly funny when we're sitting at McD's eating nuggets. Oh, and in true Texas form, she mimics me throwing my arms up in the air when someone scores a touchdown (tested by yesterday's Super Bowl).

She still cannot resist taking all of the cat food and dumping it into the water bowl. Somehow she manages to do this with very little effort and in a time period so short that I'm almost certain she has bent the space time continuum to keep me from catching her.

Just for her aunt A - she just correctly mimicked your first name while looking at the picture of the two of you in her book (the one where she's checking out your WCIII shirt).

Chrys figured out the other day that "do itoe" which she babbles A LOT, is Uncle M. I can't tell you how nice it is to have that identified.

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